COVID-19 Statement

Our congregation continues to adapt with our families and community to the continued conditions of social distancing. Recently, our governing officials have extended the large gatherings to hold until May 1, 2020....
Keep ReadingRegistration for 2021 camps is currently limited to 130 campers per camp due to Ohio COVID restrictions so be sure to get registered early......
In an abundance of caution, we are asking you to consider joining our pastors, elders and staff in protecting our most vulnerable members by wearing a mask to our services. Masks are NOT required but encouraged. Should you chose to not wear a mask, or to remove it once seated, then we ask you to be more conscientious about maintaining appropriate social distance for the sake of those who are trying to avoid infection, especially health care workers or caretakers of the elderly and those most vulnerable. Masks will be available for those without one. **Livestream will be accessible on our facebook page for all services for those who are unable to attend....
Our congregation continues to adapt with our families and community to the continued conditions of social distancing. Recently, our governing officials have extended the large gatherings to hold until May 1, 2020....
We would like to take the opportunity to connect with you during the COVID-19 pandemic and bring you a few updates that might be helpful. It is our goal as a church to stay connected and supported as we grow together through this unprecedented time of crisis....
Join us for Palm Sunday (April 5th) Communion At Home....
Our congregation continues to adapt with our families and community to the continued conditions of social distancing. Recently, our governing officials have extended the large gatherings to hold until May 1, 2020....
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