Connect with us!
Who We Are:
We are an active congregation of people discovering more every day about who we are and God's amazing love for us. Everyone is welcome at MFC and we hope you come as you are. We have sermons from both the Old Testament and New Testament. Jesus lives and we are thankful you are joining us to grow together in his name.
Our local congregation is part of the Church of God, Anderson, Indiana.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to help every person discover who they are, why they exist, and how to live a new life with purpose and joy through the unconditional love of God through Christ.
(NEW) Faith Moving Forward:
Are you considering a step forward in your faith journey? Are you simply new to Monroe First Church of God? Let one of us walk along side of you and encourage you. Learn more in our "First Steps" and future "Next Steps" classes.
Contact Rick Duff to get started.
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